Guna Virus Pellets

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Virus Pellets, Guna


Guna-Virus stimulates the cell-mediated arm of the immune system, particularly as it applies to the function of the Natural Killer cells (NK) and the Th1 balance. A result of the activation of these immune competent cells is an effective non-specific cytolysis of the cell infected by the virus and a strengthening of the acquired anti-viral immune defenses. The stimulation of NK cell proliferation induced by some of its components (in particular Interleukin 2) and the specific presence of Interferon gamma, makes Guna-Virus the elective medicine for the cure (rapid activation) and the prevention of pathologies of viral origin.

Uses: Viral infections with acute and chronic inflammatory presentation (intestinal, respiratory, urologic, dermatologic and gynecologic infections) and for the strengthening of the antiviral immune defences in cases of natural response deficiency.

Ingredients: Beta-Endorphin 4C; Blood, Porcine 4C; Interferon gamma 3C; Interleukin 2 5C; Life everlasting 3X; Ling chin mushroom 8X; Lymphatic gland, Porcine 4C; Lymphatic gland, Porcine 7C; Melatonin 4C; Melatonin 15C; Rice 3X; Serotonin 6X; Soybean 3X; Spleen, Porcine 4C; Turkey tail 8X


Directions: 3 pellets 2-3 times a day. In acute phases 3 pellets every 30 minutes for 2-3 hours.


Guna-Virus Most common combinations

Guna-Virus + Guna-Flu: anti-influenzal prophylaxis in patients with past recurrent viral infections of the upper, middle and lower respiratory tract.

Guna-Virus + Guna-TF Herpes: strengthening of immune defenses in Herpes simplex I and II infections.

Guna-Virus + Guna-Flam: inflammatory diseases of viral origin.

Guna-Virus + Citomix: strengthening of non-specific antiviral immune defenses.
